Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Give Them Roots and Give Them Wings...

You'll remember that one of my favorite sayings is:
"Longest Days, Shortest Years!"
Today, I'm remembering one of my other favorites: 
 "Give Them Roots and Give Them Wings!"
We spend years doing the day to day task of raising our children.  We dream about the day when we will no longer have to shuttle them from place to place, discipline, clean up after them, analyze each look...sigh...friend.  We plant roots of Christ...family...service...work ethic...financial responsibility...traditions. And then the day arrives.  The day they fly from the nest.
Then you wonder if the roots you planted were deep enough.  You consider if the urge for independence will supersede the desire to return now and again.

The small moments are now a memory...
Never again will a quick sandwich need to be made because the alarm didn't go off. The questions of "who's sock is this" and "will you be here for dinner" no longer need to be answered.
Your heart aches and swells all at the same time!
Today our second born "flew the nest".  He is feathering his own nest as he begins the process of preparing to be a husband at the end of May.
I have the benefit of the distraction that other children bring to soften the wound.  I am also grateful to know that he is prepared for his journey...(car rides with Dave Ramsey playing didn't hurt)!
Tonight I will rock Zion and remember 20 years ago when I rocked another sweet, chubby cheeked boy!  I will breathe in his smell and feel the soft tickle of his breath on my neck...and tears will fall as the tender memories come pouring back through my thoughts!
Soar my Brandon boy...soar!


  1. I think when your children are your life, you don't sit and dream about the day you don't have to shuttle them around anymore, maybe that day, but overall they are your joy! I want some Brandons for my girls one day...he is an excellent man!

  2. Brandon has a strong bond with his family a great upbringing and a wonderful faith. He is getting married and this will be one of the happiest moments in his life..you get to share this happiness and excitement with him....don't worry, be happy...xxoo
