Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Just Breathe {Mom~ing from where you're at}...

I know, I's been FOREVER since I have blogged!  You all should know that it is not for lack of thinking, and formulating blog posts in my mind...but the energy to find the camera and actually get some real life photos to go with my posts has been lost somewhere weeks ago!  BUT...things are turning around...Mama is FINALLY getting back on her feet...look out blog world, here I come!

So, while I was down, I spent an unspeakable amount of time just needing to breathe!  Seriously, the littlest things would put me in a place of exhaustion, and literally saying, "I just need to sit and breathe for a minute!"

One such time, I had just made a snack of popcorn for the kiddos, and found myself calling {from the kitchen floor}, "Come grab a bowl and some popcorn!"

Guess who came running?

 I happened to have a camera in the kitchen from Ken taking pictures of the kitchen cabinet removal, so I grabbed it and started clicking away! {I apologize for the poor quality of the photos...the settings weren't where they normally are, and frankly, I really don't know how to work the thing!}

Here are snap shots of Claire's first encounter with popcorn! {Warning! Children under 2 should be closely supervised when eating popcorn, it can be a major choking hazard!}

Thanks for stopping by!  Be Refreshed!


  1. Oh mama! This is the cutest! I totally understand the exhaustion, and being a mom on the floor! For me, it was a bowl of frozen peas! Plus I feel it teaches kids to be self-sufficient; grabbing a bowl for themselves, helping out a littler one, instead of mom being the servant. I've also seen studies on how it promotes healthier eating habits: paraphrased; when offered healthy food choices, older children are more likely to consume proportional amounts if there is some work to obtaining the food, where the adverse was true for children who were served, or a serving bowl placed before them.
    Look at that! You can be sick and still teach your children very valuable lessons!

  2. That is too precious!! Don't worry about your blog, we just need you to check in once in awhile when you can so we know you are ok. However, are any of your children old enough to help you with it on occassion? Or would it be more tiring than just doing it yourself? Don't worry about pics when you don't have the energy, we just want to know how you and the newest little cook are doing. Hugs

  3. Oh my goodness...this is precious. Claire is beautiful and the pics are so good...I can picture you on the floor with these pics tro...I know what that exhaustion feels like too...not fun. Hope you are back on your feet soon..I love you, Mom xxoo
