Thursday, November 29, 2012


Today's post is really a bit of journaling...
Currently, Zion and I are at our local Children's Hospital while he undergoes treatment for an infection in his kidneys and subsequent infection in his blood. 
Sunday Zion had an especially sleepy day. With having been jaundice from day 2, he has been a bit of a sleepy baby in general, but Sunday was different.  Sunday he didn't seem to want to eat, it was difficult to wake him, and would fall asleep almost the moment he latched on to nurse.
Trying not to be a panicky mom, I ignored some of my instincts and kept moving forward in our day.
By Sunday night, he was whimpering and grunting with each breath, but still was not running a fever.
By 2:00AM was rapidly breathing and felt hot to the touch...upon taking his temperature, it was only registering 99.9...not considered a fever in a newborn.
Both Ken and I felt something wasn't right, but considering the time, and the non - specific symptoms, we decided to wait.
By morning, he was doing better...
I emailed my pediatrician and she called us by phone in the afternoon to go over what we were experiencing.  She advised us to call her no matter what time of night it was if we were to experience anything that we just wanted to run by her.  She also said, "If he does get a fever, take him right in!"
So, the day progressed very well!  He was doing better...until bed time.  We were discussing how much better he was doing compared to the night before, and began changing his diaper.  It was at that point that we realized he was feeling a bit warm, and I took his tempurature on a whim. 
Enough to be considered a fever in a newborn!
We called our pediatrician and she said, take him in!
Because we live so close to our local Children's Hospital and because he had already been seen there for some kidney issues he needed checked after birth, we headed that direction.
In the ER, they decided to run a gammot of tests - CBC, Urine Culture, Spinal Tap!
Preliminary results showed a UTI and we were told we would be staying 7 days in the hospital.  As the next few hours progressed, we discovered that his blood was also infected...this would mean an increased stay to 14 days starting with the first day that we received a negative blood culture.
So, that's where we are!
It's difficult...
Then you listen in on your roommates diagnosis, and you think, "I can do this!"
And God has shown his faithfulness already...through His word and specific answers to my personal prayers, to untold support from friends and family as they lift our family up in prayer, to "the hands of Christ" through friends and family that are delivering meals, offering their support where our other kiddos are concerned, and visiting Zion and I in order to take some of the loneliness away!  And even some exceptional nurses that have taken some personal time just to sit and chat and listen!
I'm still planning on those reveals...just now on "hospital time"!
(Today's post has already taken 3.5 hours to type with the different interruptions that occur in a hospital room.)
Thank you to all who are lifting us up in prayer...and blessing us with your support!
Thanks for stopping by!  Be Refreshed!

1 comment:

  1. LoraM I am so sorry. What can I do? Can I bring you food?
