Friday, December 2, 2011

So, The Bed's Not Made...{warning, I'm feeling a bit silly! Oh, and a great giveaway!}

In my house, when the bed's not made- it's Ken's first sign that the day has gone a bit catty wampus!

I know it's been quiet around here this week - well, at least in my blog world!  This week has actually been one of those catty wampus weeks!  God has been walking our family through a very difficult trial, but has grown us in many ways!  I can see an area of refinement that He is "putting the fire to", and I'll admit, I'm very resistant!  But, God will have His way!  He always wins!  I'm thankful for that!

So, I'm sitting here thinking about putting together a quick Fast Tip and what to giveaway!  But, my week looms in my head...So, literally, the thought "What to giveaway, what to giveaway..." keeps tumbling around and around!

So, as I'm thinking, I send up one of those quick arrow prayers and say, "God, what would you have me giveaway this week?"  And the thought, "In God We Trust" comes back to me just as quickly! 

"Yeah, OK God, but what should I giveaway?" {Are you catching on to how quick I can be?}

"In God We Trust!"

OH!!! "In God We Trust!"  "I get want me to give away cold, hard cash!  Well, OK!"

So, there you have it!  This week's giveaway is some money! {Let's say $20...who couldn't use $20!}

This week, I'm putting my money where my mouth is!


To enter {as many times as you like} simply leave a can be about anything you like...maybe an encouraging word to the other blog readers out there! Oh, and if you share this link on Facebook, you receive an additional entry!

I'll announce a random winner on Monday.  {I actually do draw names - in case you were wondering!}

There, now I feel better!  Off to make the bed...

Thanks for stopping by!  Be Refreshed!


  1. God is working on our family this week too. I can't wait to see the finished product of His polishing :)

    Anna Sprague

  2. I love it when the Lord answers us ever so simply yet so profoundly! The big if here if "If we ask, and if we will obey Him" when He speaks.


  3. Love seeing your bedroom! A glimpse into coziness. Wouldn't it be fun to pay it forward?

    Tara Allman

  4. Funny how it is nice to hear that someone else has struggles too! Blessings to you and yours! Michelle

  5. I have been missing your blog posts. God has been stretching me lately too. It's all for his glory but it's not always easy though. Your such a blessing..keep it up!! :-)

    Jen Hynek

  6. God is working all around. I finally got a diagnosis on my poor sleeping, apparently I have severe sleep apnea. Don't like hearing it, but if the dianosis and fix help me to get a good nights rest.....oh man....Also am looking forward to monday when I can see my 11 yr old son back from his awesome mission's trip to Chile.
    Leah Levasseur

  7. "In God we trust" hmmm...I trust in God in every way. Struggles are endless but trusting in God brings me through it all. I know I will arrive how, where and when He wants me to. I have learned that Trusting in God means giving my self given power away and letting God take over. Guess what, it works, it rocks! I've been fatigued these last few days but now am up at 5:30 am, wide awake and ready to tackle this day with my Trust in God that he will help me achieve what needs to be least some of it. So that is what Trust in God means to me but $20 sounds like a blessing to me.

  8. Don't enter me in the giveaway...I just wanted to tell you: You were on my mind ALL night last night...every time I got up, which was often due to this baby making me uncomfortable...and, now I know why. I said a quick prayer during the night, but now I will be more intentional about praying for your "difficult trial".

  9. Obedience is better than sacrifice. I don't know about your situation but for some 20.00 can be both. Either way, I pray that this will be multiplied back to you as the loaves and fishes were, that you'll have excess to gather up. I just love your attitude, and love reading your blog! God Bless you and yours!

  10. When it rains, it pours! I keep mulling this week over in my head, trying to figure out what I am supposed to learn in all of it. While I would like to say I trust God with everything, I sure fret about all the small stuff! In the moment I would say it's not small at all, but that doesn't matter, now does it?!

  11. I find it really funny that Eric does the same thing as your hubby. It's the unmade bed, and/or Linnea and I asleep in the rocking chair.
