Monday, July 30, 2012

You Can Choose Your Friends...

But You Can't Choose Your Family!

This past weekend we hosted a birthday party turned family reunion!  In honor of Grandpa Steve, over 30 people arrived to celebrate together!  Some spend time with each other every day, others hadn't seen each other in over a year, while still others were meeting for the first time ever!

The evening was filled with much food, chaos and laughter, and as I started processing pictures this morning, it had me reflecting...

So often I hear of families that are so tight that they share in each other's thoughts and dreams, joys and sorrows!

Then there are families that are estranged and don't even know if the others are still alive!

Ours falls somewhere in the middle...but one thing remains...we are family!

Honestly, many of our paths would not cross were it not for a family tie. Different beliefs, backgrounds, and lifestyles would leave us not "choosing" one another.  Isn't this what makes family so interesting?  We have to step out of ourselves and learn something new about someone else, hopefully accepting them for who they are...differences and all!

My goal is to build relationships with and between my children that will last a lifetime! How do we do this? {It starts early ~ which I will expand upon later this week}.

For now I hope that they see an example set before them of loving others right where they are and enjoying God's choice for our family!

Thanks for stopping by!  Be Refreshed!

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