Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm a Genius When it Comes to Bums {Diaper Danger and a Giveaway}...

Oh Man...I'm so punny...how do you all put up with me?

So, I have been inundated lately with "cloth diapering" questions.  So, I figured it was time for a post on the subject!

First, I need to thank my good friend, Kathy, for introducing me to cloth diapering and supplying me with my first "stash" of diapers!  {She also washed my newborn diapers for me when Isabelle was a baby! Wow!!!}

When I started out, I used cloth diapers that you put a wrap over the top. What I loved about this system, is that they never leaked!  Those wraps held in moisture like water in a bucket!

Eventually, as those diapers wore out, I started replacing my stash with All In One diapers...the only problem I found with the AIOs is that the covers on them tended to get holes, thereby causing leaks!

Finally, I found a terrific deal on Bum Genius 3.0's {one size} on Craigslist.  The lady I bought them from tried them on her newborn and after leaving him at home with her husband, and then said husband not rinsing the diapers, she said, "it's just too much of a hassle!"  Blessed me!  I purchased 3 dozen diapers with only two used at second hand prices!

I have loved Bum Genius ever since!  They are what are referred to as Pocket Diapers...where there is a pocket in the diaper cover to insert a liner.  They usually come with an additional liner for extra absorbency.

I purchase the ones with Velcro tabs...yes, they do wear out after a while, but you can purchase refresh kits that come with new Velcro and elastic for the legs for $1/each on EBay.

What about washing?  Here is what works for us:

I have two diaper pails: one upstairs next to the changing table ~ a larger one downstairs next to our hamper.

Wet diapers are put in the upstairs pail {if I'm changing upstairs}, and diapers with solids are brought downstairs, rinsed {with a diaper rinsing attachment hooked to the toilet}, and placed in the larger diaper pail.

The diaper pails DO NOT have liquid solution in them!  I do line them with a "wet bag" that I throw in with the diapers when I do a washing.

Once or twice per week, I wash the diapers:

Cold Water Rinse {no detergent}
Hot Water Wash {1/8th cup detergent,  no bleach or fabric softener, heavy cycle, and extra rinse}
Dry in dryer in winter ~ Sun dry in summer {the sun bleaches the stains naturally!}
Easy Peasy!

I recently purchased some Fuzzi Bunz diapers with snaps...I haven't had the best of luck with them, but have heard of other people who swear by them!  It could be that my girl simply has slim thighs and they tend to leak...or it could be that I don't have them adjusted right...I'm not sure!

If I were to purchase more, it would definitely be Bum Genius with Velcro!  These adjust from newborn to 35lbs., and the Velcro makes it easier to adjust the waist.  Plus, they tend to be the most like disposable diapers, so other care givers are not as intimidated by them.

So, for the giveaway:

When I purchased the Fuzzi Bunz I received two bonus diapers with my purchase:
One Pink
One White {with a logo on the back that says: Does this diaper make my butt look big?}

Leave a comment about why you would like to try cloth diapering, leave your best cloth diapering tip, or cloth diapering question and you will be entered into a drawing to receive these diapers. 
 {One winner receives both!}

Linking to Growing Home's Teach Me Tuesdays!

Thanks for stopping by!  Be Refreshed!


  1. I am planning on trying cloth diapering, as I am pregnant with baby #2. When this baby is born, Linnea and it will be in diapers at the same time. We're trying to cut back on expenses, and cloth diapering would get rid of our $40 a month diaper budget.

    1. If you spent $10 a diaper and bought 20 (what I started with, and have since been able to acquire a few more) you could pay for your stash of cloth diapers in 5 months!! You really don't want too much more than that otherwise they sit too long before getting washed.

    2. Or...you could do a "Diaper Shower" where people would each bring a new cloth diaper, or accessory, or cash for you to buy your own! Just a thought!

    3. Awesome! That sounds great! I have a question though,what is a wet hamper?

    4. A wet hamper is a diaper pail that you store your diapers in that has a water/bleach solution...as opposed to a "wet bag" which is a liner for a dry hamper that is waterproof...I use the dry hamper system!

    5. Is there a "wet bag" you suggest?

    6. I am a first time mother. I have a 9 month old baby boy. I am very interested in cloth diapering,but I have been a little scared and intimidated by it. However, I feel that cloth diapering is grest for baby and the environment! My diaper question: is it hard to diaper an older baby, or is it best to start when they are born?
      Sarah Christensen

    7. I have not used the wet bag so I cannot offer any advice on that front. Sorry!

      But due to the bum genius diaper's nature, it is fairly close to an actual diaper, in terms of ease. So I don't think you will run into any problems starting later, with an older baby. Plus the diapers are softer, so if anything, your little one will enjoy the change!

    8. Sarah ~ I agree with Tristen and I think I'm recalling that your little one is 9 months old, correct? At that age, he should be pretty flexible with the change, and if you use the AIO type diapers the change shouldn't be too difficult for you either! Hope that helps!

    9. Annika ~ I use the Bummis Wet Bags...I purchase them in smaller sizes for the diaper bag while we are out, and larger sizes for the diaper pail! I'd make a suggestion for where to purchase them, but an online search may leave you finding better prices!

  2. I want a diaper! LOL, but I don't really need anymore, I had someone give me a ton of Fuzzy Bunz and I've been just as happy with them as my Bum Genius. I do recommend at least a few velcro. We use them when we have people unfamiliar with cloth (or my husband) use them because they look more like a "normal" diaper. They are also great for our nursery person at church who is legally blind-the snaps are a bit hard for her to be able to put back together.

  3. I use the Bum Genius system as well. I bought Kaylee's diapers used for about $10 a piece, and after a year the elastics are so worn out that they leak all the time. I have some refresh kits ordered (same price of $1 a kit, free shipping) from NellsNaturalBaby.com...the kits should fix our leaking problem, as I have brand new ones (a gift from a wonderful Mama!) that I use with my second daughter, River, who is now 4 weeks old, and even with her itty bitty legs they don't leak at all!!
    My tip is for older babies (some advice that I received a couple months ago): when you have a toddler that tends to pee A LOT, use those inserts for extra absorbency! I use 3 stacked in that diaper at night! Then my daytime diapers don't have any to compensate for the bedtime diapers. We pre-assemble all of our diapers after they come out of the wash so that it's easy to grab and go. We have a basket full of Kaylee's assorted diaper needs (with 3 liners, and ones without), and a separate basket for River's. My other suggestion is to try to steer clear of the white ones. For some reason, the older white diapers seem to get damp on the outer cover as if they are losing their water repellent feature. I have not had any other problems with Bum Genius!
    We do not have a toilet spray hose. We simply flush solids that we take out using rice paper ($6 for 100), if it's messier than the rice paper can handle, I use the side of the toilet bowl to "scrub" until the solids are off the diaper. My fingers don't get yucky, I promise! I grab the diaper by it's waterproof outside!

  4. And now you need to tell us about your wipe spray!!
    I use flush-able wipes I purchase from Costco, which is a $16 expense that will only last with my two girls for 3 months.
    ...and I have some rags that need a purpose!

  5. Ooooo...Tristen, thank you for reminding me about wipe spray! Yes - we use homemade wipe spray and wash rags to wipe bottoms. Here is the recipe:

    1/3 part Baby Shampoo (I use Burts Bees)
    1/3 part Baby Oil (Burts Bees as well)
    1/3 part Water

    Honestly ~ I'm pretty light on the 1st two ingredients and heavy on the water and it works just fine!

    Put in a spray bottle and label! I spray this right on the baby's bottom, and it also works great for toddlers who have poo accidents to be able to spray them and wipe them with toilet paper! Plus if one is particularly stinky...a few quick mists of the room and it's fresh again!

  6. for wipes, I've even torn up an old towel! You can also save that peri-wash bottle from the hospital-perfect for squirting the wipes solution on the rags :) I use the big bag here http://www.diaperjunction.com/bummis-diaper-totes.html for my Diaper champ here http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3491391 and it works great. I also got two small bags that fit 2-4 diapers each for the diaper bag to bring diapers home in. I wash every 2-3 days for an 18 month old and a 3 year old both in cloth diapers. I use two scoops of Oxyclean and about 1/2 recommended unscented soap. You can also put a few drops of lavender or tea tree oil in the bottom of the bag. when I put diapers in the pail, I first pull out the inserts then put them in the apil. When the bag is full (or the pail stinks) I pull out the entire bag, turn it inside out so my hands never touch the dirty diapers and throw the diapers AND the bag in. I airdry my covers and my diaper bags and dry the inserts on HIGH with NO drier sheets (drier sheets leave a waxy substance that makes your diapers less absorbant) I don't dry outside like Laura because we aren't allowed to have clothes lines in the neighborhood I live in (though I try to sun them a few times int eh summer to bleach them on the back deck).
